Why Is My Mower Discharge Chute Up Or Down – [Fix That Works!]
A mower discharge chute is basically a mower accessory that can be attached to the mower to get a clean mowing experience.
In most cases, while cutting long and wet grass, this thing can be really helpful. But in some cases, you may choose to keep it close while mowing. That completely depends on what type of grass you’re mowing.
So, the question is do we keep the mower discharge chute up or down? Let’s explore every bit of this thing like never before.
What is lawn mower discharge chute?

In simple words, a discharge chute is a mechanism that is used to discharge or exit materials from a machining process.
So, a mower discharge chute is an accessory that you can attach to your lawn mower to discharge long, thick grass clippings from the mower.
It may look like a funnel or a box-like section. The mower discharge chute is generally made of plastic or metallic material.
Anyway, you can attach or detach a side mower discharge chute from your mower anytime you want. It depends on different lawn and grass sizes.
However, for different lawnmowers, there are different discharge chutes and you can buy them as per your requirement.
What does a mower discharge chute do?
The purpose of a lawn mower chute is to throw away the grass clippings from the lawn mower deck. It has two benefits.
First, the moist grass clippings can’t get trapped in the mower deck. So, you can keep driving the lawn mower without worrying about getting clogged due to long and thick grass clippings.
And second, a mower discharge chute can throw grass clippings to a certain distance. So that, you can easily handle those later. Moreover, using a mower discharge chute also increases the efficiency of your lawn mower.
However, while cutting long and wet grass, not using a lawn mower discharge chute can be severe sometimes.
Since the moist grass can get trapped which will affect the blade and eventually cause engine stall. That’s why a discharge chute for a lawn mower can be really helpful.
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How does a mower discharge chute work?
A mower discharge chute is generally attached to the right side of a lawn mower. This is due to the clockwise rotation of the mower blade. Well, let’s elaborate a little.
Most gas-fueled engines provide clockwise rotation. So, the mower blade also rotates in that direction. This movement is used to throw away the grass towards the discharge chute.
The discharge chute then collects the grass clippings and moves them outside the mower deck.
Lawn mower discharge chute Up or Down – what’s the best way?
Lawn mower discharge chute up means you are allowing the discharge chute to throw out the grass clippings. On the other hand, discharge chute down means the mowed grass is getting trapped in the mower deck.
Most people suggest keeping the mower discharge chute up while mowing long and wet grass. Otherwise, you can get rows of clippings which can affect the mower’s performance.
On the other hand, keeping the discharge chute always up has some demerits too. Sometimes, keeping the discharge chute down can be good for the lawn.
So, let’s see when and why you should keep the discharge chute up or down.
Mower discharge chute up
- Mowing with a mower discharge chute up means the mower deck is clean.
- No clippings can get trapped.
- The blades of the mower can rotate freely.
- There will be no risk of engine stall.
- For a wet lawn, moist grass clippings are hard to clean. That’s why keeping the discharge chute up can be helpful.
Mower discharge chute down

- If the lawn is dry, then keeping the discharge chute down won’t be so harmful.
- While mowing mulching leaves like maple or oak, it’s better to keep the clippings on the lawn. Eventually, it’ll get composed and provide nutrients to the soil.
- Keeping the mulching leaves on the lawn will also provide protection to the lawn during winter or while growing grass.
In summary, if you don’t have time to clean the grass clippings separately, then keep the discharge chute up. Also, keep it up while mowing long, thick, and wet grass.
But to increase soil health, if you want to keep the grass clippings on the lawn, keep the discharge chute down.
How do you stop a lawn mower chute from clogging?
A very common problem of mower discharge chute is to get clogged with mowed grass clippings. This may happen for several reasons. Which includes, worn-out or rusty blades, overloaded grass bags, lack of lubrication, etc.
Now, we’ll discuss what may cause this problem and how you can solve such issues. So, let’s start.
1. Damaged blade

Sometimes due to using the mower too much, the mower blade can get damaged. Moreover, with time grass clippings can get piled up on the blade and create rust.
As a result, the cutting won’t be fine and eventually, the mower deck will be clogged. In such cases, there are clear symptoms of damaged blades. If you observe the mowed grass clippings, you’ll notice uneven cutting of grass.
This is because maybe one side of the blade is cutting well whereas the other side is damaged. That indicates that it’s time to fix the blade.
how to fix?
- Clean the blade with a screwdriver to remove rust and dirt from the blade.
- Try spraying a coating on the blade. It will keep it free from rust. Spray coating will also enable the blade to remove grass more effectively.
- Re-sharpening the blade can be useful too
2. Poor engine performance
If the engine performance is poor, the mower may still cut the grass, but the efficiency will be decreased significantly.
As a result, the grass may not be collected properly in the mower deck since the engine is unable to provide enough power. Eventually, it’ll clog the discharge chute very soon.
There are many reasons for this problem like bad fuel, engine stall, or not calibrating the mower each time before mowing.
However, if you observe any performance drop from the mower engine, anomalous sound, or heat dissipation from the engine, then you may need to fix the engine performance.
how to fix?
- Using quality fuel can be a solution to increase engine performance.
- Cleaning the engine parts regularly and using an adequate amount of lubrication is recommended.
- Replacing an old carburetor, or air filter can be helpful too.
3. Overloaded mower deck

When the mower deck is overloaded with grass piles, the discharge chute can get clogged. This occurs when someone doesn’t clean the deck for a long time or the grass on the lawn is too long to be mowed well.
You should check the mower deck if the discharge chute is clogged. To overcome this issue and prevent it from occurring again, you can take the following steps.
how to fix?
- Check and clean the mower deck frequently.
- Some suggest using an anti-rust coating inside the deck. WD-40 is a widely known rust protector and lubricant for coating mower decks.
4. Cutting wet grass
If you continuously cut wet grass, which is a very common phenomenon in the Rainy season, the discharge chute can get clogged. Wet grass clippings are more likely to get piled up.
Every time you mow wet grass, don’t forget to check the mower deck as well as the blade to make sure whether there’s any trapped grass or not. However, if it happens, below is some solution to get rid of this.
how to fix?
- Try to avoid cutting moist grass. Wait till it dries.
- Even if you have to cut wet and long grass, clean the discharge chute immediately.
- Use a high-lift blade in such scenarios.
FAQ about Mower Discharge Chute Up Or Down
Though a mower discharge chute is now very popular among lawn owners, many people still have so many questions about it. Let’s see some of such popular questions.
1. How do you keep the mower discharge chute open?
To keep the mower discharge chute open you can use a chord and a clip. All you need to do is to fix one side of the cord on the discharge chute’s head and another side on the mower’s handle. Then pull the chord to open up the discharge chute.
2. Which is the better side or the rear discharge mower?
For flexible and quality cutting a side discharge chute is recommended. On the other hand, for high-speed and uniform cutting a rear discharge mower may be a good choice.
3. How do you put a discharge chute on a push mower?
To put a discharge chute on a push mower, first, make sure the engine is cool. Then lift the mower deck cover a little and fix the discharge chute inside the slot. Then leave the mower deck cover and you’re ready to go.
in our final verdict on Mower Discharge Chute Up Or Down
The mower discharge chute is a highly useful accessory for most lawn owners. It helps to collect the grass clippings after mowing and discharge them at a certain distance. Thus it keeps the mower deck clean.
However, many users recommend keeping the mower discharge chute halfway open so that the grass can’t get trapped and at the same time, some grass remains in the lawn, which will eventually get composed and improve soil health.