20 Inexpensive Garden Edging Ideas To Create A Sharp Borderline
Garden edging is necessary for a variety of reasons. They make your garden visually appealing, protect plants from mowers, and keep grass out of the garden bed. However, garden edging materials and ideas can be expensive, which is a common headache for most garden owners.
The truth is – a lot of Inexpensive Garden Edging Ideas exist you may not even aware of. Some cheaper ideas are:
- Edging the garden with wood chips
- Bordering it with flagstones
- Circling your garden with natural plants
- Using recycled items like glass bottles and rubber for edging
- Surrounding the garden with thick rope, etc.
These edging materials and ideas are very cost-effective which most gardeners can afford. Do you need more plans to edge your garden on a limited budget? Below, we have listed more creative and cheap options that you can try.
Read the entire post to find out.
5 Wood-Based Inexpensive Garden Edging Ideas:
Edging your garden with wooden material may sound expensive. However, there are several low-cost ideas that you perhaps did not think about!
1. Wood Edged Raised Beds

If you prefer inexpensive and simple garden edging ideas, this one must come top of the list. They are very practical bordering techniques and require no additional skill or costly material to form. You just need a few planks, commonly found in lumberyards.
Pieces of scrap wood in good condition can also be used in this edging. Unlike other materials, they are quite cheap for edging the garden. However, you must choose rot-resistant wood in this case for longevity. For example, cedar, oak, walnut, etc. Wood-edged raised beds are ideal for most gardeners due to their simplicity.
2. Mini Wooden Fences

They are known for their ease of installation and affordability. Mini wooden fences are best suited for smaller flower beds and decorative purposes. As they are small, they require less materials to build. Thus, these fences save a notable amount of material cost.
They are quite easy to create and install around your garden. You can prepare these fences with a few DIY tools and basic wood skills. It does not need hiring labor, which saves a decent cost. Some stores sell pre-cut pieces of wood which you can buy for making fences at a cheaper rate.
3. Wood Chip Mulch Garden Edging

Wood chips are byproducts you can get for free or at a very low cost. For many reasons, they can be very budget-friendly garden edging materials. You will find them in your nearer wood factories in a ready-to-use condition for the edging task.
They require minimal installation needs, meaning you do not need any special tools or materials to install them. A shovel is enough to define the garden edge before installing them. After that, just lay down the wood chips on the top and surrounding the garden bed, and it is done! It saves time, effort, and cost comparing other complex edgings.
4. Used Railroad Ties

They seem big and heavy for garden edging. However, they can be inexpensive and outstanding materials for bordering the garden. Railroad ties are extremely durable and a good investment for longer periods. They will not even need regular maintenance and care like other materials.
It can be hard to find out old railroad ties. Generally, you will find them in nearer lumberyards. Though used railroad ties are heavy and low cost, their installation can be challenging if you lack essential equipment. In such a case, you may need to hire professionals to do the task.
5. Bamboo border
Bamboo must be the top attractive garden edging option for any cost-conscious gardeners. They are natural and grow fast without additional care, which makes them inexpensive. Their affordability and durability make them suitable to edge most garden beds. It is ideal for edging any garden with different shapes and aesthetics due to its flexible nature.
Bamboo garden borders are highly enduring and require minimal upkeep in various weather conditions. Once installed, they can last 5 to 10 years without needing replacement. Putting bamboo for garden bordering is also simple and time-saving. If you have basic tools, you can place them without any professional assistance.
5 Stone-Based Low Budget Garden Edging Ideas:
Garden borders formed with stone add a more stunning look. Though most stone-based options are expensive, you can create an affordable edging with some creativity.

1. Pre-cast Block Edge:
It is a mid-range option for garden edging. But, it is still more affordable than natural stones. The cost of bounding your garden using these blocks can differ depending on multiple factors. Their size, style, color, and finish can make the expense different.
Pre-cast blocks are strong and long-lasting as a garden edging material. They can save a notable cost in the long run. Unlike other materials, these blocks require minimal replacement over time. Anyone can install this edging easily without needing expensive tools and labor costs.
2. Flagstone Garden Edging
Though flagstone garden edging looks complex and costly, they are more reasonable than you think! Unlike high-end stones for edging, they are much cheaper. The expenditure will be notably lower if you can collect the used ones.
The cost of flagstone garden edging may vary depending on their size, thickness, and finish. They usually last for decades without needing replacement, which makes them good options in the long run. You can install these stones without any professional help as well. Remember that flagstone edging is mostly suitable for small to mid-size gardens. A larger garden bed will need more flagstone, meaning more cost.
3. Boulder Border
You can get these natural rocks for free, even near your property. Boulders are a great and affordable option for garden edging if you collect and use the existing ones. Even if you need to buy some pieces, they are still reasonable.
These larger rocks have different shapes and sizes, perfect for adding a natural aesthetic to your garden. They require almost no upkeep and save time compared to other garden edging maintenance. Installation of the boulder border needs no skill except arranging them along the desired edge.
4. Stacked Rock
They offer the same cost-effective benefits as the Boulder border. These rocks are also nearly free of cost, often available on your property as unwanted materials. Along with efficiency, stacked rocks also give you some creative freedom when designing the border.
Edging with these rocks requires no complicated techniques, such as digging a trench. Just place those rocks one on top of another surrounding your garden bed. However, keeping them stable and aesthetically pleasing can take effort. Another challenge with this edging is that you must find sufficient flat-faced rocks to form it.
5. Rocky Mulch
These budget-friendly items are also called gravel mulch or stone mulch. They are cheaper than most high-end rocky materials and also easy to install. You can easily collect them from your nearer landscaping suppliers. The key benefit of this edging is that you need a minimal quantity of rocky mulch to border a garden.
Unlike other garden edging materials, you can use rocky mulch more creatively. You just have to fill the garden’s surroundings with them adjusting the depth and width of the rim. Since this edging needs less material, it reduces cost and creates a beautiful garden border.
3 Plant-based Cheap Edging Solution:
As a natural resource, small plants can be excellent for edging your garden. Check out some inexpensive ideas below.

1. Hedge Edge
If you want a natural appearance on the garden border at a low cost, hedge edging is a great option. It requires no additional materials. Instead, the hedge creates excelling edging and impression.
One thing to remember is that the hedge border should match your garden’s design. This edging is most suitable for larger gardens. However, its maintenance may take additional time and effort. Above all, you get an aesthetically appealing natural garden border cheaply.
2. Decorative Plants edging
Using decorative plants is a cost-effective and attractive way to edge your garden. For most gardens, plants like daylily, hydrangea, coral bells, etc. can create a beautiful and low-maintenance border. These edgings serve a double purpose. Along with working as a boundary, they add fantastic visuals and color to your garden.
If you choose the right type of plant, you can even save more. So, choose low-maintenance plants that require minimal watering, feeding, and pruning. Your careful selection can save time and money for edging simultaneously.
3. Natural Small Plant Edging
They can create fantastic and effective garden borders on a minimal budget. These plants are widely available and affordable, sometimes free of cost. Using them for edging also adds a natural and excellent aesthetic to your garden.
Natural-grown plant edging can tolerate environmental challenges and benefit your garden’s ecosystem. They need less watering, fertilizing, and pruning, making them more cost-effective. As they have many sizes and types, choose one carefully. The best plant to create a well-defined garden border is the one that grows low and spreads horizontally.
4 Recycled Material Budget-friendly Edging Ideas:
The destination of used materials is not the trash bin all the time! You can reuse them, even for edging the garden, which is another inexpensive garden bed bordering technique.

1. Reclaimed Bricks
Recycled bricks are fantastic materials for garden edging. They are cheaper than buying new ones, even you can get them for free in some cases. When used as a garden edging, they create a unique aesthetic. They are also long-lasting which reduces the overall cost indirectly.
Bricks are durable and perfect for garden edging in harsh weather. They will not require frequent maintenance which means it is a wise one-time investment. Though finding reclaimed bricks, and sorting and cleaning them can take effort, their cost-saving potential gives peace of mind. They are one of the noteworthy inexpensive materials to create an interesting and visually distinctive edging compared to new materials.
2. Recycled Glass Bottle Garden Edging
This edging is extremely budget-friendly with the opportunity to get creative with garden design. Used glass bottles are mostly free, or you can purchase them at a very low rate. You can collect them from your neighbors or recycled item stores for edging the garden.
To make the edging unique and colorful, you can use bottles of various colors and sizes. The installation of glass bottle edging can be effortful and time-consuming. However, you can do it without any expensive tools and professional help. This approach will save you extra costs.
3. Recycled Rubber Edging
It gives you a balance of affordability and durability when making the garden edging. Recycled rubbers are byproducts. So, they are a low-cost material that you can use for various tasks, including edging the garden. Reusing this long-lasting material is also very eco-friendly.
With a few basic installation tools, you can create a beautiful edging with recycled rubber. It also does not require additional installation efforts like digging a trench, which saves valuable time. Since rubber pieces come in a variety of colors, you have the opportunity to modify the garden design as well.
4. Old Tire Edging
Used tires can be a very affordable option for edging a garden. They are free or can be purchased at a very low price. Tires are highly enduring and last for many years. They have no risk of weather damage at all. If used as garden edging, they will require no maintenance.
Tire garden edging has nothing special to install. You have to place them only according to a plan. Though tires are an awesome option in the long run, many gardeners may find them unattractive as garden edging. To make this edging visually appealing, you will need to apply some creativity.
NOTE: We have detaild post about 7 Budget-Friendly Recycled Garden Edging Ideas (CLICK HERE TO READ)
Other Edging ideas at low cost:
Along with these familiar garden-edging ideas, here we share some other inexpensive techniques to border your garden bed at a low cost.
1. Clean Lines (trench)
This one is perhaps the most inexpensive garden edging idea. You have to dig a trench surrounding the garden, and it will make a clean borderline. Many gardeners apply this straightforward method to create a border between the garden bed and the lawn.
Digging a trench requires nothing more than a shovel, which costs a few dollars. Garden edging trenches have some variations which you can also try. For example, a slanted trench will create a more natural look in your garden.
2. Metal Edging
Using metal sheets is one of the stable edging techniques many garden owners prefer. They are also more cost-effective than other fancy materials. In general, recycled metal sheets like aluminum and galvanized steel are used to border gardens. However, the use of other metals is also noticed in some cases.
The cost of a metal garden border varies depending on the type of metal, its condition, thickness, and installation process. To make this edging aesthetically appealing, you may need some extra effort, which absolutely pays off. Metal edging is low maintenance and lasts for years without care or replacement. So, it is a good investment to edge your garden for longer.
3. Thick Rope
A thick rope can also be a creative and interesting garden edging material. Though it is not a traditional edging method, it adds uniqueness to your garden. To be more specific, it adds a natural and naval theme to your garden.
Compared with other materials, ropes are quite inexpensive and easy to install. They make a more defined edge without much installation effort. However, remember that you should choose a weather-resistant rope for this purpose.
FAQ about Inexpensive Garden Edging Ideas
Q. Are inexpensive garden edging effective?
Yes! Cheap materials for edging can make effective borders between garden beds and lawns just like expensive materials do. However, choosing the edging materials depends on the specific needs of garden owners.
Q. Which is the cheapest garden edging material?
Rubber and plastic edging are known for their affordability. You can also use recycled items for edging which are quite cheap.
Q. What is the easiest way of edging a garden?
Trench edging is the easiest way to make a border between your garden bed and the lawn. It requires nothing more than digging a trench surrounding the garden.
Q. How can I install garden edging without professional help?
Some garden edging options are so simple that you can easily do them yourself. Choose an option that requires only basic tools like a shovel, hammer, and level.